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“Turkey Has A Promising Future” Says Frédéric Farré

Posted by Léa Ferrand on Jan 19, 2016 5:31:34 PM

Frédéric Farré, Beeleever & Founder of TURnKY, a company advising more than 300 foreign companies in their operational research for customers, suppliers and partners in the Turkish market, explains why Turkey is still attractive. As the 17th world economic power, the country stands out with an economic growth which can make  envious older  industrialized countries.

According to an OECD report entitled "Outlook for 2060: growth forecasts in the world", Turkey is among the economies that will grow most strongly over the next 50 years and therefore justifies an interest. Turkey has indeed a promising future, not only because of its demographics (75 M) but also because of the average age of the Turks, 30 years, which favors private consumption. Another positive point for Turkey: its foreign exchange reserves of $ 134 billion and public debt, which reaches only 38% of its gross domestic product.
However, there are risks. The country has a deficit of its trade balance which amounts to 8%. It is highly dependent on tourism. It also suffers from the conflict in Syria. Nevertheless, investment in Turkish equities traded have generated an above-average performance over the past ten years.

France also occupies one of the very first places in terms of capital invested (400 companies for more than 100,000 jobs). And in times of European debt crisis, Turkey like other emerging countries is an opportunity for international players seeking growth.

Last but not least, the chief economist at Euler Hermes, during the presentation of the study "Highway to trade: what has changed, what will change" underlined that TR is among the best countries to import during the period 2012-2015: 

1.       China (10, 5%)
2.       Vietnam (8.8%)
3.       Indonesia (8.6%)
4.       India (8.6%)
5.       Angola (7.3%)
6.       Nigeria (6.1%)
7.       Turkey (6.1%)
8.       Argentina (5.8%)
9.       Russian Federation (5.8%)
10.     Colombia (5.7%)

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